ENGLISHMake any display interactive |
We not only can sale you the license for your Lumoplay or LumoMaker, we can help you thru the process of optimizing your graphics and creating the right experience for your visitors and expanding the already great interactive LUMO platform with the incorporation of BrightSign multimedia players and Datapath video wall solutions.
EspañolQue la experiencia sea interactiva |
No solo podemos venderle la licencia para su Lumoplay o LumoMaker, sino que también podemos ayudarlo a optimizar sus gráficos y crear la experiencia adecuada para sus visitantes y expandir la experiencia con la incorporación de reproductores multimedia BrightSign y soluciones de video wall Datapath.
Soon will be posting our videos of integrated solutionIf you are not familiar with the audiovisual solutions that we offer, please visit the official website of our providers and have the certainty that we are a turnkey solution for Audiovisual Integrators and small business.
CANADA Send us a text message to start the conversation. (780) 9208220
MEXICO: Texto: +52 722 350 4683 eMail: [email protected] |